“Serving the Church 

 by Reaching the Children”

Our Ministries

Released Time Bible Class

What is Released Time Bible Class?

Released Time Bible Class (RTBC) is a way for boys and girls in public schools to be released from school during the school day to receive religious instruction. Under Michigan law, children can be released from school “while in attendance at religious instruction classes for not more than 2 class hours per week, off public school property during public school hours, upon written request of the parent, guardian or person in loco parentis.” – Michigan Compiled Laws 380.156I(3)(d).


In other words—if Mom or Dad signs a permission slip, the children can go from school during school time to a nearby church or similar location for a Bible class. These classes are legal, they are educational, and they are fun! At RBM, we offer classes once each month, rather than weekly, and children can hardly wait for the next one!


Children love RTBC’s!

Smiling faces and eager feet scurrying down the school hallway are clear signs that children can’t wait to go to RTBC. To many of them, it’s so much more than just “religious instruction.” Whether it’s the fun songs, an amusing puppet, creative lesson visuals, fascinating Bible events and truths, an exciting review game, or simply the opportunity to seek God from the depths of their heart, children look forward to their RTBC with great anticipation!


Parents value RTBC’s!

Parenting today can be challenging. That’s why many parents appreciate the support that RTBC’s give them as they work to instill important values in their children’s hearts. We are overjoyed when parents love their children and understand enough about Jesus to know that He loves them as well. 


Churches treasure RTBC’s!

Bible-believing churches understand the spiritual treasure that is found in knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Released Time Bible Classes are a cherished way to share the Good News with children and to send a clear message to their parents: “We’re here to share the love of Jesus Christ with you and to minister to your family’s spiritual needs.” If your church would like to establish a Released Time Bible Class in your community, please contact us, and we will explore how we may be able to partner with you.

Vacation Bible School

Our passion to minister to children doesn’t take a summer break! We’re ready to assist your church or camp ministry with a dramatic Bible lesson series that can provide the significant spiritual impact you are desiring. 


Whether you are considering a more traditional Vacation Bible School, or a Sports or Day Camp, etc., we are here to help. The power to impact lives is found in the clear teaching of God’s Word — and that is what we do. RBM missionaries are men and women who are called and equipped by God to teach the truths of Scripture in a way that children can understand and apply to their lives.


Our lessons are designed to address the needs of children who don’t know Christ as their Savior, and to strengthen the faith and understanding of those who do. Our seven-year VBS cycle will take children through the Bible from beginning to end, capturing the heart of major portions of God’s Word. 


Our VBS model allows us to serve churches both large and small. We place a priority on teaching the Bible, and our skilled Bible teachers do it well. And because kids are curious and imaginative, we don’t cut corners on equipping our teachers with interesting and memorable visual aids for each lesson. We use so many attention-grabbing visuals in one summer’s VBS series that it can be a challenge to transport all of them in a minivan! 


We, at RBM Ministries, don’t just teach “Vacation Bible School.” We teach the Bible! While VBS is an effective method for teaching God’s Word to children, it isn’t the only one. If your church is thinking about creative ways to reach kids and their families in your community, give us a call. Most likely, we can customize our summer Bible lesson series to fit your unique structure and focus. Or, we could bring a Bible lesson tailor-made for your event. 


Our workers are Bible teachers with many teaching resources available to them. Our literature, innovative visuals, and other materials are produced in the production department at our Kalamazoo headquarters. We have a warehouse full of visual aids which illustrate over 100 different Bible lessons. The greatest resource RBM has, however, is found in the passion and gifts that God has given our workers to teach His Word. 


Contact the RBM worker in your area to explore how he or she can help strengthen your outreach effort  or contact RBM’s Headquarters. Let’s dream, plan, and work together! 


RBM Ministries

P.O. Box 128
Plainwell, MI 49080





RBM Ministries

P.O. Box 128
Plainwell, MI 49080




© RBM Ministries 2022